Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines

DreamVault powers direct engagement between Builders and Dreamers— driving Builders to invest in Dreamers' long-lasting creative businesses. To make professional creativity possible for everyone, it's important we continue cultivating a safe and welcoming platform for Dreamers and Builders. Informed by a fundamental respect for human rights, free expression, and privacy, these Community Guidelines act as the guardrails detailing the sorts of works and behaviors that are permitted and prohibited on DreamVault.

Policy at DreamVault

DreamVault's team is committed to empowering Dreamers to share their works with the world. Dreamers and Builders can contact our team at

Dangerous Organizations

DreamVault was built for Dreamers, not for enabling or facilitating violence or harm.

DreamVault strictly prohibits terrorism and violent extremism on the platform. Works that praise, support, or represent dangerous organizations or affiliated individuals will be removed from DreamVault. Such groups include, but are not limited to:

Terrorists or terrorist organizations: Non-state actors that commit, advocate for, or support acts of violence against civilians for political, religious, or ideological aims.

Organized hate groups: Current or historical groups organized to promote ideologies including, but not limited to anti-LGBTQ, anti-Muslim, antisemitism, fascism, male supremacy, white nationalism, or white supremacy.

Criminal organizations: Groups or associates engaged in criminal activity or enterprises including, but not limited to violent crimes (e.g. torture, homicide), kidnapping, trafficking (e.g. humans, drugs, firearms), or financial crimes (e.g. money laundering, extortion, scams, fraud).

Actively involved in armed conflict: Armed militias or other groups that are actively involved in conflict, military training, or the procurement of military equipment; individual perpetuators of mass violence.

Works referencing dangerous organizations or individuals in neutral or condemnatory contexts (e.g. journalistic, historical, educational) are permitted.

If you come across a violation of DreamVault's Dangerous Organizations guidelines, please report it to


Dreamers and Builders are empowered to express themselves, though not at the expense of anyone else's safety or privacy.

Harassment, whether online or in the real world, harms people physically and psychologically. Although DreamVault encourages people to share critical opinions and discuss controversial issues on the platform, safety is our top priority. Harassment and related abusive behaviors are not tolerated.


Behavior, language, or creative works that bully individuals are prohibited on DreamVault. Acts that qualify as bullying include, but are not limited to, threatening violence to intimidate, mockery based on sexual history or status as a survivor of sexual assault, sharing degrading photos or videos, and derogatory photoshopped images. To enable users to freely discuss topics relevant to the public interest (e.g. debates about current or newsworthy events or controversial issues), DreamVault permits critical commentary directed at public figures and officials (e.g. political candidates, government officials, celebrities). Works that pose risk to the public figure's physical safety and/or violates other DreamVault policies (e.g. hate speech, sexual exploitation), however, are not permitted.


Dogpiling is a form of harassment in which a group of people attack an individual online to intimidate or humiliate them. DreamVault prohibits Dreamers and Builders from engaging in or encouraging dogpiling.


Doxxing is a form of harassment in which someone shares an individual's personally identifiable information (e.g. home address, phone number, bank account information, medical information) online without consent. This abusive act can lead to on- and offline harms against the individual such as stalking, emotional distress, physical harm, job loss, and identity theft. DreamVault prohibits Dreamers and Builders on the platform from engaging in or encouraging doxxing. Exceptions to this policy may include someone publishing their own personally identifiable information, publishing someone else's personally identifiable information with the individual's consent, and sensitive information from documents properly in the public domain (e.g. court filings, press releases, news articles).

Non-consensual intimate imagery

DreamVault has zero tolerance for works featuring non-consensual intimate imagery, which is defined as sexual or pornographic imagery of an individual or individuals made and/or distributed without their consent. Works which relate to non-consensual intimate imagery in the form of survival stories, educational resources, and/or advocacy, however, are permitted. If you are a victim of this behavior and feel your wellbeing is at risk, we recommend you contract local law enforcement as well. If you are addressing a situation involving non-consensual intimate imagery in which you hold copyright rights, we strongly advise that you report that to us here instead of submitting a notification of claimed copyright infringement. Notifications of claims copyright infringement may be forwarded to the person responsible for contributing the accused material and may be posted publicly.


Swatting is the act of making a false report to emergency services or law enforcement (e.g. bomb threat, hostage situation, active shooter report). Swatting, encouraging others to engage in swatting, and/or promoting swatting in general is extremely dangerous and prohibited on DreamVault. Exceptions to this policy include testimonials or storytelling from those who have been targeted by swatting attempts.

Threats and inciting violence

DreamVault treats threats and incitements of violence or physical harm with the utmost seriousness. Prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to organizing or disclosing aspirational, conditional, or credible plans for a violent act; soliciting advice for, advocating for, or threatening the safety of public or private individuals. Any Dreamer or Builder exhibiting these behaviors will be removed from the platform. Exceptions to this policy include non-literal threats that are figurative or humorous (e.g. “My brother forgot my birthday, I'm going to kill him!”).

If you come across a violation of DreamVault's Harassment guidelines, please report it to

Harmful Acts

The safety and wellbeing of DreamVault's community is paramount.

DreamVault prohibits works focused on promoting dangerous or self-destructive topics (e.g. high-risk acts and challenges, disordered eating, suicide, self-harm or self-injury) that pose risk to the physical, mental, or emotional health of those on the platform. However, raising public awareness is important, and DreamVault empowers individuals on the platform to detail personal experiences with these topics in a safe manner. Also permitted are works displaying or discussing aesthetic or medical body modification unrelated to self-harm or self-injury (e.g. piercings, tattoos, gender affirming surgery, plastic surgery, scarification).

DreamVault regularly consults academic and industry experts to help inform our guidelines, enforcement, and resources related to these challenging topics. If you or someone you know are struggling, we strongly encourage you to contact local emergency services or a  hotline.

Dangerous acts and challenges

Promoting, normalizing, glorifying, coordinating, or otherwise providing instructional advice about acts or challenges that pose an imminent risk of serious injury or death is prohibited on DreamVault. Dreamers who are posting dangerous stunts should include a clear disclaimer discouraging imitation of their behavior. Works involving dangerous acts and challenges that have a community support or educational focus, or are part of a greater narrative, are permitted.

Disordered eating

Promoting, normalizing, providing instructional advice about, coordinating, or otherwise glorifying disordered eating, feederism, or related topics is prohibited on DreamVault.

Examples of disordered eating works include, but are not limited to: extreme low-calorie diets, imagery of someone making themselves vomit, and imagery focused on ribs, thigh gaps, concave stomachs, and so forth.

Examples of feederism works include, but are not limited to: force feeding (consensual or nonconsensual), using illegal or controlled substances to achieve weight gain, using devices to fill the stomach, and so forth.

Works involving disordered eating, feederism, and related topics that have a community support or educational focus, are part of a greater narrative, or are otherwise contextualized in a manner that abides by DreamVault's guidelines are permitted. Also permitted are works that promote body positivity, eating competitions, medical surgeries, and health, fitness, or lifestyle works.

Suicide, self-harm, and self-injury

Promoting, normalizing, providing instructional advice about, coordinating, or otherwise glorifying suicide, self-harm or self-injury, or related acts is prohibited on DreamVault. This policy includes imagery of someone engaging in the act, the aftermath of the act, and/or associated paraphernalia (e.g. razor blades, bandages), as well as text and audio works. Works involving suicide, self-harm or self-injury and related challenges that have a community support or educational focus, are part of a greater narrative, or are otherwise contextualized in a manner that abides by DreamVault's guidelines are permitted.

If you come across a violation of DreamVault's Harmful Acts guidelines, please report it to

Hate Speech

Creativity, connection, and self-expression thrive in inclusive environments where everyone's differences are respected.

Although we welcome diverse viewpoints and debates, there is no room for hate speech on DreamVault. We define hate speech as serious attacks against a person or group based on the following characteristics: caste, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, immigration status, national origin, race, religion, serious medical condition, sex, or sexual orientation. Attacks may include (but are not limited to) dehumanizing language, harmful slurs or stereotypes, and calls for violence, exclusion, or segregation.

In a review of a potential hate speech violation, questions like the following may be considered:

  • Did they call for violence against someone based on one or more characteristics listed above?
  • Did they use dehumanizing language to describe someone based on one or more characteristics listed above?
  • Did they use racial slurs or harmful stereotypes against someone based on one or more characteristics listed above?
  • Did they mock or deny the experience of victims of hate crimes or genocide such as the Holocaust?
  • Did they engage in legitimate political commentary, such as a discussion or debate about immigration policy, or did they target people on the basis of immigration status?
  • Did they offer legitimate criticism of a State, institution, or belief, or did they use code words or proxies to attack people based on one or more characteristics listed above?

If you come across a violation of DreamVault's Hate Speech guidelines, please report it to

Illegal and Regulated Activities

Activities and goods funded and promoted on the platform must be lawful.

DreamVault is not intended to be used to facilitate or raise funds for activities related to illegal or regulated initiatives or topics such as those listed below.

Criminal activity

Dreamers engaged in criminal activity including, but not limited to violent acts (e.g. murder, sexual violence or exploitation, assault, domestic violence, child or animal abuse), hate crimes, property crimes (e.g. vandalism, arson), or engagement with criminal organizations (e.g. drug cartels, gangs) are not permitted on DreamVault.

Non-criminal violent acts, including but not limited to consensual violence (e.g. MMA fights, BDSM), legally permitted violence (e.g. self-defense), or legal hunting (e.g. deer hunting) are permitted on DreamVault. Street art is also permitted.

Individuals convicted of criminal activity who have fulfilled the terms of their sentence may share works on DreamVault as long as the works do not instruct others how to partake in criminal activity.

Cryptocurrency, financial advice, company equity, and MLM

Cryptocurrency: DreamVault was not designed to help Dreamers launch an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or create an investment scheme. Coins may not be offered as part of an investment scheme or for the purpose of direct financial benefit. Dreamers also may not offer discounts, coupons, or vouchers for cryptocurrency.

Works related to cryptocurrency are permitted (e.g. journalistic investigations, historical documentation, consumer education) as long as they do not violate other guidelines. Dreamers may offer digital tokens as part of a membership tier as long as those tokens provide access to exclusive Dreamer benefits.

Financial advice: Dreamers may not offer financial advisory services on DreamVault in which they take over a member's personal finances. Financial advice given on DreamVault must be in compliance with the laws of the country where the Dreamer is based. DreamVault encourages consumers of financial advice content to consult with licensed financial professionals before making investment decisions.

Works involving speculation about financial outcomes are permitted as long as no financial reward is guaranteed.

Company equity: Dreamers cannot offer ownership in a business or company as part of a pledge through DreamVault (e.g. “If you pledge $500 per month, you will own 1% of my company”).

Multi-level marketing (MLM): Building or facilitating a multi-level marketing initiative or offering MLM discounts or coupons is not permitted on DreamVault.

Consumables and health

Alcohol and smoking: Alcohol and smoking substances (e.g. wine, beer brewing kits, tobacco, cigars, vapes, e-cigarettes, rolling papers, cigarettes) may neither be sold nor offered as membership benefits on DreamVault. Dreamers may not offer promotions, coupons, or other incentives to purchase or obtain these products. Instructional works related to these topics, however, are permitted (e.g. tutorials on brewing alcohol, growing tobacco, making cocktails,) as are educational or community-oriented resources for those seeking help for alcohol or smoking addiction.

Ingestible items: Ingestible items (e.g. food ingredients, spices, medications, vitamins, supplements), drug paraphernalia, and educational materials claiming to help cure disease may neither be sold nor offered as membership benefits on DreamVault. Dreamers may, however, offer cooking recipes, tutorials on meal prep or meal planning, or topical items like lotions or perfumes. They may also discuss alternative medications or supplements as long as it does not pose a risk to health or safety.

Drugs: Selling drugs or drug paraphernalia is not permitted on DreamVault. Dreamers may not share works depicting illicit drug use by real people (except in educational, medical, or journalistic contexts), encourage underage people to use drugs, or advocate for irresponsible use of drugs. Exceptions include recovery stories and fictional works that depict — but do not glorify — illicit drug use. Advocating for the legalization of drugs is also permitted on DreamVault, as long as the Dreamer or Builder does not directly promote how to acquire the drug. Works involving discussions of the scientific or medical benefits of recreational drugs, educational content on how to safely use or stop using drugs, and educational content on the danger of drugs in general, are permitted on DreamVault.

Gambling and raffles

Gambling: DreamVault may not be used to provide or access gambling products or services (e.g. betting, lotteries, casino games, Buildertasy sports). Works for which monetary value (e.g. cash, digital currencies like bitcoin) is exchanged as a method of entry are also not permitted. Works involving speculation about sports outcomes are permitted as long as no financial reward is guaranteed.

Raffles: Dreamers are prohibited from requesting payment from Builders for the chance to win something (e.g. raffle, giveaway, lottery) as part of a membership or community benefit. Dreamers seeking to offer Builders a chance to win something must make the opportunity available to everyone on and off DreamVault (i.e. may not restrict it to DreamVault Builders only) and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Military and political funding

Military funding: DreamVault may not be used to fund the procurement of weapons (e.g. guns, rockets, armor), or other military-related activity for armed or military forces or other groups actively involved in conflict. DreamVault may be used to fund support for civilians impacted by conflict (e.g. humanitarian or medical aid relief), military service members (e.g. care packages, medical support), or physical trainings not connected to military or militia activity (e.g. survival skills courses, conditioning bootcamps).

Political funding: DreamVault may not be used to directly raise money for political campaigns or associated activities or groups (e.g. political action committees, political parties, candidates). Raising funding for political or societal causes (e.g. equal rights campaigns, youth mentorship, gun violence prevention, democracy movements) is permitted.


Bladed and edged weapons: Dreamers are not permitted to sell, distribute, or raffle off bladed and edged weapons (e.g. swords, daggers, knives, bayonets) on DreamVault.

Firearms and explosives: Dreamers are not permitted to sell, distribute or raffle off firearms, explosives, ammunition, or related weapons on DreamVault. They also may not offer discounts, promotions, coupons, or other incentives to purchase or obtain weapons, or create instructional works related to crafting weapons (e.g. 3D printed guns) or modifying weapons (e.g. using bump stocks to turn semiautomatic firearms into automatic firearms). Weapon-related content that does not violate other guidelines (e.g. uses in educational or historical contexts, illustrated content, fictional or illustrated depictions of firearm distribution, gun maintenance tutorials) is permitted on DreamVault.

If you come across a violation of DreamVault's Illegal & Regulated Activities guidelines, please report it to

Inauthentic Behavior

A culture of authenticity empowers Dreamers and Builders to confidently build community and support original art.

Dreamers on DreamVault offer their Builders original creative works and special benefits, such as exclusive access and creations, merchandise, and engaging community experiences. To promote authentic behavior and ensure a safe creative environment, DreamVault prohibits people from misrepresenting themselves, employing fake accounts, or engaging in activities that facilitate other policy violations.


Dreamers may not offer Builders works promoting inauthentic initiatives including, but not limited to tutorials for engaging in illegal activities (e.g. theft, hacking, piracy), third-party services that artificially inflate metrics (e.g. views, likes, members), or access to piracy software. Dreamers who are removed from DreamVault also may not circumvent the proper appeals process so as to create a new campaign. Dreamers may engage with campaigns that organically request Builders support their DreamVault and/or provide tutorials for organically increasing Builder engagement.


Deepfakes are manipulated or digitally-altered audio, video, or image works that portray a person, event, or scene in a way that is not real or did not occur. Examples include, but are not limited to, superimposing an individual's face onto a different body, or manipulating audio recordings to fabricate audio portraying a person saying something they did not say.

The following types of deepfakes are prohibited:

  • Deepfakes that intimidate, bully, harass, incite violence against, or harm the reputation of one or more persons.
  • Deepfakes that incorporate an individual's image or likeness in sexualized contexts in which they did not partake.
  • Deepfakes that use a public figure's image, likeness, or voice to deceive through misrepresentative or fraudulent product endorsements, promotions, phishing, financial scams, and merchandise sales, among others. Deepfakes of public figures may be permitted, however, if they are satirical or parodic in nature, or focus on political or social commentary. Examples may include using humor, irony, sarcasm, exaggeration, or imitation to critique an individual, institution, or societal issue.


DreamVaults may not be devoted to deceptively representing the identity or brand of another person or entity. Examples of impersonation include, but are not limited to, deceptively using another person or entity's name, username, bio, or photos, falsely claiming to be the person or brand's “official” DreamVault account, and disseminating works created by or associated with the person or entity.

Parodying, spoofing or expressing support in the form of a Builder page for a brand or person is permitted if transparently disclosed on the page (e.g. in the name, username, bio, tiers). DreamVault attempts to screen for fraudulent Dreamer pages but cannot guarantee the identity of Dreamers or the validity of any claims they make. To report a suspicious Dreamer page please email

Intellectual property

Infringing on the intellectual property rights of others is prohibited on DreamVault. For more, check out our Copyright & Trademark Policies.


Spamming others or distributing unsolicited advertising material is not permitted on DreamVault.

If you come across a violation of DreamVault's Inauthentic Behaviors guidelines, please report it to


DreamVault has a no tolerance policy for any nudity/Adult/18+ conent.

If you come across a violation of DreamVault's Adult/18+ guidelines, please report it to

Teen Safety

DreamVault is committed to keeping the platform safe for teen users and free of works or behavior that puts young people at risk.

Age restrictions

DreamVault is not directed to children, and you may not use DreamVault if you are under the age of 13. You must also be old enough to consent to the processing of your personal data in your country (in some countries we may allow your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf). You must be at least 18 years old or have your parent's or legal guardian's permission to have a Dreamer page on DreamVault or to purchase an offering on DreamVault. Dreamers must also be at least 18 years old to share modeling or “posing” works that center on their appearance or body, and we may prompt them to provide documentation attesting to their age to confirm these restrictions are being upheld.

Zero tolerance policy

DreamVault has zero tolerance for real or animated Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or other exploitative works depicting sexualized minors, regardless of how the works were created (e.g., hand-drawn, cartoon, text-based, photorealistic, or computer-generated, among others). Exploitative behaviors such as grooming or solicitation are also prohibited. Any DreamVault user involved in attempts to harm or exploit minors will be removed and reported to appropriate authorities.

Adults misrepresenting as minors

Dreamers over the age of 18 are prohibited from using DreamVault to produce or distribute any type of works featuring sexualized portrayals of themselves as minors, implicitly or explicitly.

Tools & resources

If you come across a violation of DreamVault's teen safety guidelines, please report it to

Violent and Graphic Works

This community deserves a welcoming environment free of disturbing depictions of suffering for gratuitous shock value.

To protect users from shocking or disturbing imagery, DreamVault does not permit violent or graphic works, including the glorification of real-world violence or suffering. This policy applies to works featuring real humans as well as photorealistic representations of a human, regardless of how the works were created. Works deviating from reality in terms of visual representation (such as animations or illustrations) may possess elements of graphic violence as long as the violence is not glorified and the work complies with our other guidelines. If you believe someone is in imminent danger, please report the situation to local law enforcement immediately.

Prohibited works include, but are not limited to:

  • Glorification of violence: Depictions, promotions, or celebrations of violent actions or actors. Examples include, but are not limited to praiseful or sadistic remarks about violent or disturbing works, encouraging others to engage or participate in violence, or showcasing footage of a violent or deadly attack.
  • Human abuse: Works glorifying the infliction or aftermath of physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual harm on a person or group leading to suffering, pain, or death. Examples include, but are not limited to non-medical depictions of body parts or fluids, charred bodies, dismemberment, footage recorded during a violent or deadly attack, domestic or intimate partner violence, mass violence, or other physical abuse or torture.
  • Animal abuse: Works glorifying the infliction or aftermath of physical, emotional, psychological or sexual harm on an animal or animals leading to suffering, pain, or death. Examples include, but are not limited to animal neglect, mistreatment, or cruelty, staged animal fights, the trafficking of livestock or animal parts, or depictions of animal slaughter outside traditional or standard practices (e.g. food preparation, lawful hunting, the practice of organized religion).

Permitted works include, but are not limited to:

  • Fictional or dramatized works that do not glorify the violence and are accompanied by context or a statement informing viewers that the footage is not real.
  • Documented or narrated storytelling such as True Crime podcasts, documentaries, or academic or historical research.
  • Violence in an animated or simulated context (e.g. video games, comics, graphic novels in which the violence is not photorealistic).
  • Testimonials or storytelling from survivors or victims of violence.
  • Depictions of body parts in a medical, educational, or scientific context (e.g. post-surgery recovery, stitches, minor bruises, vaccinations, childbirth, sexual health).
  • Violent or graphic imagery to raise awareness in a documentary or journalistic context (e.g. human rights abuses, armed conflicts, acts of terrorism).
  • Imagery related to bodily piercings or tattoo art.

If you come across a violation of DreamVault's Violent and Graphic Works guidelines, please report it to